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 Sharing Progress 2023-24 

Plans for Sharing Pupil Progress


As we go through each academic year, we try really hard to ensure you feel well informed about what your child is learning in school and their progress in all areas of the curriculum, as well as their personal and social development.


The following gives a summary of the plans we already have in place:


1. Termly overviews


Each term you will receive a summary information sheet that highlights what areas your child will be learning in each of their subject areas.


2. Tutor team meetings


Every year we schedule a meeting at the start of the new academic year and just before the end of the school year, for you to talk with your child’s tutor. The dates for these are;


  • Tuesday 3rd October 2023


  • Tuesday 9th July and Wednesday 10th July 2024


In addition, for parents / carers of pupils in Y3 - Y6 there will be additional opportunity for you to meet your child’s tutor on Tuesday 12th December 2023.


3. EHCP review meetings


All our pupils and students, as they have EHCPs, will of course, have a full EHCP review meeting.

We like to hold these in school and to have them face-to-face and we allow an hour and a half for these meetings. As you know, this meeting is extremely important as it allows us all to review the EHCP and the progress your child has made against the agreed outcomes in the plan. It provides time to review the needs of your child, provision and identify any changes, amendments or new outcomes required, to help ensure your child continues to make progress.


Please note although this meeting is often called the ‘Annual Review’ it does not take place on the date the EHCP was issued as it might have done previously and while at AKS, the time of the review will be dependent on the year group your child is in. The plan for reviews is given below.


EHCP review dates

Miss Watson EHCP co-ordinator, will send home a letter with the proposed date of the review six weeks before the planned date.


  • Term 1 (Sep/Oct) – Y11, Y13, Y14


  • Term 2 (Nov/Dec) – Y9 


  • Term 3 (Jan/Feb) – Y5, Y6 and Y12


  • Term 4 (Mar/Apr) – Y3, Y4, Y8


  • Term 5 (Apr/May) – Y7


  • Term 6 (May/Jun) - Y10


4. Subject teacher meetings for pupils in Y9, Y10, Y11 and students in Post 16


If your child is in Y9 or above, you will have an opportunity to ‘meet’ with the staff who teacher your child.


The dates for this year are as below;


  • Y11, Y12, Y13, Y14 Tuesday 10th and Thursday 12th October 2023


  • Y7 Thursday 18th January 2024


  • Y8 Thursday 8th February 2024


  • Y9 Thursday 29th February 2024. Please note for Y9 pupils this meeting will include a discussion re possible option choices for your child in Key Stage 4.


  • Y10 Tuesday 12th March 2024​


  • Y10 - Y14 Thursday 21st March 2024. Please note this is an exam revision evening to look at strategies to help pupils prepare for external examinations.


  • ​Y6 Thursday 11th April 2024. Please note this is a special meeting for parents/ carers of pupils in Y6 to discuss the End of KS2 Assessments that Y6 pupils may take.​


​5. Reports – All pupils and students will receive two reports a year


In addition to the discussions with staff, we provide two reports each year to help you know exactly how your child is doing. School reports are a great record of the progress across the years!

You will receive the following;


  • Full school report – these will be completed in the final term and will be sent home prior to the last parents and carers meeting in July 2024.


  • Interim reports – this is a shorter report but provides an update re progress in every subject area and any areas for development. 


Please note we will be writing interim reports to support your child’s EHCP review as well as for discussion at subject parent and carers evenings.


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Tel - 01684 295639

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