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 The School Day 

The School Day

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The school office is open from 8am until 4pm

Alderman Knight has adopted a staggered start and finish, we have found that this has helped elevate the traffic concerns in and around the school site.

If pupils share transport with other pupils with different start or finish times, then the pupils will arrive in school for the earlier time (8.40am) and will leave at the later time (3pm).  

KS3 and KS4 pupils will be looked after in the orange hall until it is their time to go to tutor time or leave school at home time. Primary pupils will be taken to their class rooms to get ready for the day.


At Break time pupils are encouraged to play outside in the secure school playground. Drinks and healthy snacks can be purchased from the tuck shop or healthy snacks and drinks can also be brought from home. 

For pupils in Key Stage 2 there is a specific time built into their morning session when they sit together and have their snack and drink.

At the supervised Lunch time, pupils will either have a hot school dinner or a packed lunch brought from home.  Free school meals are available, please contact the school office for further information.  After the pupils have enjoyed their lunch, they can spend their free time in the playground or attend one of the various clubs run throughout the week e.g. Science, ICT, Choir and, nearer exam times, extra revision clubs.  

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Charity Number 1028866


Alderman Knight School,

Ashchurch Road,



GL20 8JJ
Tel - 01684 295639

© Copyright 2024 - Alderman Knight School

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