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What is Safeguarding?

At Alderman Knight School we consider safeguarding as a priority for our whole school community.


Safeguarding can be summarised as:

  • Protecting children from maltreatment

  • Preventing impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development

  • Ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care

  • Taking action to enable all children to have the best possible outcomes


As well as protecting children from deliberate harm, safeguarding also relates to other aspects of school life including:

  • Health and safety

  • De-escalation and any subsequent use of reasonable force

  • Meeting the needs of pupils with medical conditions/requirements

  • Educational visits

  • Intimate Care

  • E-safety


Alderman Knight School accepts that abuse, in whatever form, always constitutes serious harm to the child.  All those involved with the provision of education at the school need to be alert to the possibility of abuse and have knowledge of and use without delay, the system in place for dealing with actual or suspected abuse.

Safeguarding at Alderman Knight School

Alderman Knight School aims to create and maintain a safe environment for children and to manage situations where there are child welfare concerns.  School staff, through their day-to-day contact with children and work with families, have an important role to play in noticing indicators of possible abuse or neglect.  School staff are particularly important as they are in a position to identify concerns early and provide help for children, preventing concerns from escalating or referring those concerns through to the most appropriate person or agency.


At Alderman Knight School our key safeguarding contacts are:

Safeguarding Contacts (002).png


It is estimated that only 1 in 9 sufferers of abuse report it at the time that it is happening.  It is vital therefore that staff know what to look for to identify young people suffering abuse who cannot speak out.


All of our staff have completed Level 1 Safeguarding, Prevent and FGM Training Courses. Refresher and updated training is required of all staff at mandatory periods. This up-to-date and highly relevant training enables our staff to recognise the signs and indicators of all forms of abuse alongside other safeguarding concerns.


Staff understand their statutory duties that are outlined in Keeping Children Safe in Education and will report any concerns, no matter how small, to the Safeguarding Team who will always respond to the concern raised.


As an added safeguard against a number of issues such as cyber-bullying, radicalisation, grooming misuse of ICT equipment, the school uses a monitoring filter on all ICT used by our children and staff.  All concerns raised the by the system are brought to the attention of the safeguarding team and are acted upon.

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Charity Number 1028866


Alderman Knight School,

Ashchurch Road,



GL20 8JJ
Tel - 01684 295639

© Copyright 2024 - Alderman Knight School

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