Online Safety
Staying Safe Online
Most of us and our children use social media and online apps to stay in touch. Keeping ourselves and our children safe is a challenge and teaching our children to use the Internet safely, and responsibly, can be difficult.
To help you and your children understand online safety, we have put together a simple guide to the ways in which we can all help each other "Stay Safe Online". The guide contains links to useful agencies and support sites and can be downloaded simply by clicking the image.
The document is in PDF format, you may need a PDF reader to view it.
What do we do at Alderman Knight School?
All groups follow a curriculum which includes online safety and digital literacy. These lessons are tailored to be age and group appropriate.
All Pupils at KS4 achieve an external online safety qualification.
We work closely with the local police, and are members of the national online safety group
We have installed thorough and bespoke Internet filtering and additional surveillance software by E-Safe.
What are the possible danger signs?
Using technology excessively
Staying online through the night
Being secretive about what they are doing
Behaving very differently in what they wear, their attitudes or friends
Before posting anything online you should think about the impact what you do might have on another person, your future and the consequences of that content.
To keep safe online you should not post your full name and address, where you live and your school.
If someone is being bullied talk to an adult you trust (parent, carer, and teachers) and keep evidence of it.
Report, Block and Ignore.
Use technology in a shared family room.
Check the age rating of the games your child plays.
Develop trust.
Listen to your child.
Set up appropriate controls- check this link
Setting Up Parental Controls
Useful Links