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 Ofsted Report 


Alderman Knight School has received an 'outstanding' judgement in each of its last four OFSTED inspections, dating back to 2010. The most recent inspection was an ungraded one, conducted on April 23rd and 24th, 2024. This inspection confirmed that Alderman Knight continues to be an outstanding school. The report highlights how pupils flourish at the school and are proud to be part of it, how the school places no ceiling on what the pupils can achieve, and how behaviour across the school is exemplary. Additionally, it commends the outstanding personal development, the excellent quality of education, and the excellent work done by everyone who works in the school, including the governors, as well as the invaluable support given by parents.

Although we are proud to be rated 'outstanding' we take nothing for granted and continually strive to improve and develop the school.

OFSTED Inspection of an Outstanding School April 2024

“Alderman Knight is an exceptional school”​

“The school has exceptionally high expectations of all pupils. Consequently, pupils achieve extremely well from their different starting points”


​“Provision for pupils’ wider personal development is outstanding. Pupils take delight in their rich and varied opportunities afforded to them. These help to develop their skills and interests in many areas, such as outdoor education, music and sport.”


​“There is no ceiling placed on what pupils can achieve at Alderman Knight. The school sees beyond pupils’ special educational needs and/or disabilities. It believes that, in the words of its motto, all are ‘learning and achieving to together.”


​“The school provides an excellent quality of education. It ensures that pupils learn an aspirational curriculum that meets their needs exceptionally well.”

OFSTED Full Inspection January 2019

"Teachers plan lessons exceptionally well. Learning is organised so that pupils build on their prior knowledge and skills. Teachers set objectives which outline what each pupil is expected to learn during the lesson. Pupils have a good understanding of this approach and know exactly what they need to do to be successful. " - Ofsted 2019


“The pastoral support team is available throughout the day to support pupils who are finding things hard. This enables pupils to have a consistently high level of support from the same group of staff when they need it.” - Ofsted 2019


“Pupils make very strong progress in their personal development and behaviour. Once pupils have settled into the school they quickly respond to the high expectations, skilful teaching and supportive environment to make sustained progress.” - Ofsted 2019

OFSTED Full Inspection April 2014

Please find a copy of our previous inspection report below. It is, as you will see, full of praise for all aspects of the school. The inspectors were impressed by all they saw, and by the way the pupils spoke to them. 

OFSTED Full Inspection December 2010

On behalf of the governors and parents, I would also like to pay due tribute to the work done by all the staff of the school. Every member of staff - teaching, administrative and support - makes a crucial contribution. The teaching is rightly described as outstanding and it is at the heart of the school’s work – enthusiastic pupils being inspired by highly qualified, imaginative, committed teachers, supported by equally hardworking and dedicated support staff. Thank you to all of them.


To view these results on the Ofsted website click here

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